FFR Mk2 Type 65 Daytona

Check out this FFR Daytona Replica, while I answer an important question about Replicas.

Factory Five Racing are the people behind the Type 65 Daytona replica. Generally speaking they are one of the more well known replica manufacturers out there. Right off the bat, if you had seen this car in the flesh, then you’d understandably be clambering to get your own replica. This one gets pretty close to the original Daytona, but with the key difference coming in its performance and comfort, things that are reportedly leagues better than the original Daytona. 

Now all of this points to an interesting question, why? Why would you ever need to get a replica of a car you love so much, just buy the original. But saying such a thing in my opinion would be the height of folly. You see throughout its time, there have only ever been 6 original Shelby Daytonas, and all of them are owned by prestigious car collectors, in undisclosed locations who would never let these cars see the light of day or a whiff of the track. Of course as there are only 6 in existence, they will obviously have a price tag to match, one that people like us can never really wrap our heads around. Considering one of these Shelby Daytonas went for in an auction for more than $7 million, you’ll start to understand my reasoning. Remember I said that car collectors would never let these have a whiff of the track? If such a rare race car were to have a racing incident, it’ll certainly hurt any future value of the car.

This is where replicas like the FFR Daytona come in. Replicas come with a promise. A promise to be just as good as the original in every possible way, shape and form, all except for the history. But to the average person with a dream and a decent chunk of change, history is besides the point, the reason they’re buying a replica is the experience. An experience that replicas like the FFR Daytona pull off brilliantly, it’ll go just like the original and yet be more comfortable and much easier to maintain. 

Not to mention as a car built to specification, you can decide what you want in it. You see, Factory Five Racing is not the only well known replica maker. You have others like Superperformance and Backdraft Racing (for the Cobra). While these companies all have a replica for the Daytona, they each go about it in a slightly different way. Take this for an example, Factory Five Racing gives you a near complete kit, but you get to decide yourself what engine, transmission and parts go into the car itself. Whereas the people over at Superperformance give you a factory built and painted roller with most of the essential mechanical bits to go with it, but you can also have choice over the drivetrain

So the way I see it, you have a choice, you can go with a Factory Five kit and a free choice over everything, while if you want to be all period correct and turnkey then you can go with a replica from Superperformance. 

This build took a Ford 302 (5.0L) V8 and had it bored and stroked to 347ci (5.6L).

Another point is that its cost to obtain is astronomically lower, you’re much more likely to actually take it outside and drive it like it was built to do. So while replicas are almost always cheaper than the original, the price still differs between kit manufacturers. In this case Factory Five Racing is definitely the best value for money when compared to the offerings from Superperformance.

The excuse that replicas these days are crudely built doesn’t even hold up anymore. These aren’t being built in some random guy’s garden shed with a sledge hammer and a random engine from a ratty donor car. These manufacturers start out by getting proper measurements and blueprints of the original car and building the replica to those exact measurements. Using actual modeling software and modern engineering. 

People are always inclined to dismiss replicas with the simple sentence that ‘it’s a fake’. But more often than not, you don’t have a choice. You want the original? Well it’s impossible to obtain. So what other option exists other than to get a proper replica. It all comes back to what I said earlier, it’s not about the history, it’s about the experience.

While reading through this blog, you’ll surely have noticed the pictures of a very specific Factory Five Racing Daytona replica, and you yourself could snag yourself this beautiful piece. Just check it out at nolemons.ae, as the guys over there are currently auctioning this car. 


Indeed really looks like nothing else

Certainly a looker! And with the customisation options, it really can be one’s dream car

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