I don’t know about you, but I am in love with cars that have all the feasible options. I find myself wanting top-end trim. I want all the little touches that make the most expensive car, the best car. I also find myself not able to afford this same car so over the years I’ve had to build a lower-end trim into the highest end. This means higher quality interior finishes and all the speed and power parts that I could find on crashed top-end cars or from the aftermarket. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone offered a complete kit, so you didn’t have to figure everything out? G-Power has the solution for the BMW M240i. It turns the faux M-car into an M-car destroyer.
G-Power has developed a kit for the M240i that turns up the power well past what the M2 is offered. Their highest output kit, the GP-520, takes the M240i from its base 374 horsepower to 520. That’s 67 horsepower more than an M2. The catch is that this kit costs less to buy than the difference to upgrade to an M2. Did you hear me correctly? More power for less money!
The G-Power kit includes a combination of software and hardware upgrades to make their M2 killer. A software upgrade, GP-550 turbocharger upgrade, a charge air cooler, downpipes, and exhaust, are included in the kit. The cost of this kit is less than the upcharge for the M2 over the M240i.
If 550 horsepower is a bit too wild for you, they also offer GP-420 and GP-480 kits with horsepower respective to the number in the kit name. The parts themselves are also offered separately so at any time you can buy it piecemeal and upgrade as you go!
This is cool!