HONOR Unveils AI for Eye Protection and Deepfake Detection

This technology safeguards users by scrutinizing frame-by-frame video information, including eye contact, lighting, image clarity, and video playback. By analyzing these aspects, AI Deepfake Detection identifies inconsistencies undetectable by the human eye.

At MWC Shanghai 2024, global tech leader HONOR showcased its commitment to user empowerment and safety through two innovative on-device AI features. The company’s keynote address, titled “The Human-AI Synergy: Intelligent Devices Will Empower People Better,” highlighted advancements in human-centric AI with the unveiling of AI Defocus Eye Protection and AI Deepfake Detection.

Championing On-Device AI

HONOR CEO George Zhao emphasised the potential of on-device AI, stating, “On-device AI, which is run on smartphones that understand us better than any other devices, is uniquely positioned to deliver services tailored to us and our preferences.” He called for industry-wide collaboration to explore the vast potential of on-device AI solutions that empower users and prioritize privacy.

AI Defocus Eye Protection: A Paradigm Shift

HONOR’s AI Defocus Eye Protection marks a significant advancement in eye care technology. Leveraging AI, this feature simulates defocus glasses on a smartphone display. Defocus glasses are proven to benefit eye health by intentionally blurring peripheral vision, thereby maintaining clear central vision. This altered visual perception slows down eye elongation, a key factor in nearsightedness development.

HONOR’s innovation extends beyond prevention to offer potential relief for existing nearsightedness. Studies have shown that AI Defocus Eye Protection can reduce transient myopia (temporary nearsightedness) by an average of 13 degrees after just 25 minutes of reading, with some users experiencing a remarkable 75-degree reduction.

AI Deepfake Detection: Combating Online Fraud

Recognizing the growing threat of deepfakes – digitally manipulated videos often used for fraud – HONOR introduced AI Deepfake Detection. This technology safeguards users by scrutinizing frame-by-frame video information, including eye contact, lighting, image clarity, and video playback. By analyzing these aspects, AI Deepfake Detection identifies inconsistencies undetectable by the human eye.

Furthermore, the system is trained on a comprehensive dataset of scam-related videos and images, allowing it to perform identification, screening, and comparison within a mere three seconds. If synthetic or altered content is identified, a risk warning immediately alerts the user, preventing them from interacting with potential scammers.

Empowering Users, Shaping the Future

HONOR’s unveiling of AI Defocus Eye Protection and AI Deepfake Detection exemplifies its commitment to harnessing the power of on-device AI for user well-being and safety. These innovations underscore the potential of AI technology to empower individuals and pave the way for a future where intelligent devices seamlessly integrate into our lives, enhancing our experiences and protecting us from harm.

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