At the time of its launch and sale the E24 6 series had a purpose, it was packed full of luxury and other features that bankers and other high rollers of the time would appreciate. But there was a crucial difference, these guys liked to drive around. This was a purpose that the 635CSI fulfilled. This particular 635CSi is special as it has had manual transmission swap done to it.
The parts added to this car make it all the more interesting. That transmission? It came from a 3-Series E30. This car also has a limited slip differential taken from a 5-Series E28.
Perhaps you’re looking for exactly what this car offers, classic BMW luxury and brilliant looks and a bit of power to go with it all. Then I would highly recommend checking this car out over at where it is currently up for auction and is set to end on 13th Aug 2022 – 8:00 PM.
It is tugging at my heart! I love this shape!
Easily one of the best looking BMWs ever made. Close second to the 507 for me.